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Land Spa​ce

Design and Build in Your Assigned Space

Leasing Approved Service Plots

At Cove Tobago 28.3 hectares (70 acres) of the 56.6 hectares (140 acres), have been developed for tenancy and plots are available for those tenants  who are desirous of constructing their own production facility. Approved service plots with access to all utility infrastructure (electricity, telecommunications, water and wastewater) are available for lease.

Plots sizes range from:

  • Small plots ranging from 743.2 m2 (8,200 ft2) to 2,500m2 (26,909.78 ft2)
  • Medium sized plots between 2.500m2 (26,910ft2) to 4,999 m2 (53,819 ft2)
  • Large plots from 5,000m2 (53,820 ft2) to 10,000.1 m2 (107,640 ft2)
  • Larger spaces can be negotiated.

Lease terms for land space at Cove Tobago is a standard twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) years which is negotiable.

We Help You Build

Our on-site Project Management team is available to help you in all stages of the design and construction of your facility.

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