Committed to Working with Our Community to Make Sustainable Development in Tobago a Reality
E-IDCOT is committed to the sustainability of the environment, as well as harnessing and nurturing the innovative and entrepreneurial capacity of Tobago to enhance the quality of life for all. The company is incredibly attentive to its mandate to be a model corporate citizen attuned to the island's brand of “Clean, Green, Safe, Serene”, by ensuring that eco-sensitivity and eco-sustainability are fundamental pillars of development at Cove Tobago. Thus, our role extends beyond the provision of efficient and well-equipped facilities for new and expanding businesses. To achieve this, we have adopted various strategies and have partnered with strategic stakeholders to provide the necessary resources and tools to grow and enhance our fledgling entrepreneurs and innovators. Some of these initiatives are:
To achieve its mandate, E-IDCOT will engage communities with the objective of transitioning entrepreneurial thought and innovation to commercialisation and success. Budding entrepreneurs on the island will be engaged, and relevant training and technical support will be provided to support this transition. E-IDCOT works with the island's entrepreneurs to establish new and innovative ways to collaborate and work together to achieve greater efficiency and sustainability. EIDCOT will foster the creation of an export landscape in Tobago, and entrepreneurs will be sensitised to new possibilities and markets to expand their businesses beyond Tobago's shores.
In keeping with its mandate, mission and vision, the internal culture of “practising what we preach” will be evident at Cove Tobago. Employees and tenants must become champions of the sustainability brand of Cove Tobago. Our focus will be on pioneering innovative, eco-sensitive methodologies for implementation into the Cove Tobago business model, which other businesses can adopt.
Online vehicles will be leveraged to disseminate practical information geared towards improving lives and persons' well-being. Such information will include the following initiatives: