Creating a Business Environment That Helps You get Ahead
INVEST TT E-IDCOT has partnered with InvesTT to promote the Cove Tobago to regional and international markets, share and exchange knowledge and expertise in the area of investor sourcing with E-IDCOT and provide professional support for regional and international investment negotiations. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) came into effect when it was signed in December 2020. InvesTT overarching goal is to implement government investment policy, act as the point of access for potential foreign investors in all sectors of the economy, and facilitate all requirements, including regulatory approvals necessary to establish a business. Visit InvesTT Website
ExporTT The Eco-Industrial Development Company of Tobago (E-IDCOT) Ltd and ExporTT officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding in February 2021. The MoU signing represents an understanding between the two (2) companies to share information and collaborate to enhance the execution of their respective roles in developing local companies and building export capacity in Trinidad and Tobago. Visit ExporTT Website
THE VENTURE CAPITAL EQUITY FUND LIMITED (VCEFL) The Venture Capital Equity Fund Limited (VCEFL) was established by the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) with the aim of investing in and helping to build great Tobago-based businesses which are also guided by the island’s mantra “Clean,Green,Safe and Serene”. As part of the wider Tobago Business Development Strategy, VCEFL provides an alternative financing to entrepreneurs by the way of equity investment. Over the years, E-IDCOT has worked closely with VCEFL as a means of diversifying the Tobago’s economy and driving economic development. Through this partnership, investors at Cove Tobago can benefit from VCEFL’s public/private sector equity arrangements of between $500,000.00 and $5 million TTD to enable the investors business operations. Visit The Venture Capital Equity Fund Limits (VCEFL) Website
DEVENS ENTERPRISE COMMISSION E-IDCOT has partnered with the Devens Enterprise Commission (DEC), based in Boston USA, with a view to building local skills and E-IDCOT’s and Cove’s international profile in the management of eco-industrial parks. The DEC acts as the regulatory and permitting authority for the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone. Its role is to administer and enforce the reuse plan, by-laws, regulations and sustainability vision within the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone. It functions as a board of health, conservation commission, zoning board of appeals, historic district commission and planning board . Collectively, both entities will contribute to the body of knowledge regarding Eco-friendly industrialisation and, more specifically, the development of the Devens Planned Community/Eco-Industrial Park and Cove Tobago to ensure that these Parks and the businesses located within them are managed and operated in a sustainable manner. Visit Devens Enterprise Commission Website